Trauma comes in all shapes and sizes

Trauma becomes stuck in our bodies, hidden in the cells of our muscles and skin, it can shape who we become.

Sorrow, shame, fear, dread, loathing, panic, guilt, pain, anguish, stress, depression, hate, anger, frustration, upsetting memories, discomfort, and anxiety, may not all sit in the mental, physical, and spiritual being of an individual who has been traumatised however in some it does unless they are extremely strong and when able, forgiving.

Unfortunately, trauma is responsible for a good percentage of illness in each generation, some we can’t do anything about but some is very preventable.

If we look at child abuse or Adverse Childhood Advents (ACE’s), emotional abuse, or physical abuse, most abusers have been abused and many of those who are abused go on to mimic their abusers, and therefore the generational problems that are created, grow, and so does illness from this cause.

Illness from trauma can change lives. Many parts of the body can become impacted because the body is interlinked like a chain, one thing is connected to another and eventually, a perfect storm of illness and dysfunction is created which can have a personal, family, and societal impact.


One option is for trauma within the physical body to be healed holistically through discussing the event/s. With dedication, determination, and belief required on the pathway, many make it through the maze of mental anguish and health difficulties that often consume them as trauma can attach to the body, it won’t always be lifted from the physical body meaning it can grow and show again, it is more than just a psychological illness because it attaches to the skin and muscle cells of the body.

As part of a standard healing, Directly Connected will release the negative trauma energy that attaches to muscle and skin cells and also realign the spiritual body chakras and body rhythm that become unaligned with trauma, this can be a short and renewing process without the need for discussion around events.

Lifting trauma will also reconnect the broken link with the soul. Trauma disrupts the connection and with it our inner voice, a spiritual navigation system that supports us greatly in life.

Healing will make a real difference. Make contact and move closer to the authentic you and a more joyful life.

Let’s stop starting trauma so we don’t have to keep healing it!

Keith Jackson

Healing for all types of illness and dysfunction. Spiritual body alignment, dark entity removal, and connection to spirit / the universe.

Cells, Fascia, & The Nervous System