Cells, Fascia, & The Nervous System


Our bodies are simply amazing machines with most parts interconnected. This interconnectedness means we can have issues in one part of our body but symptoms in another or various other places which can make it difficult to pinpoint the real problems, hence viewing the body holistically rather than areas that are segmented from one another is critical and fundamental to healing.


Even though the cells in our bodies complete many roles, a primary one is to produce energy and we want them to do this consistently and without prolonged interruption. The mitochondria of our cells are our energy factories, they produce Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). If we are scared, frightened, on alert, or in panic mode i.e. fight or flight mode, our cells close down to protect us, it’s our hormones that trigger this response. The sympathetic nervous system then kicks in to stimulate the adrenal glands triggering the release of catecholamines (including adrenaline and noradrenaline) to give us some amour to help deal with the threat. This is fine and normal however if we are e.g. chronically ill, our mitochondria can close the front door, blocking nutrients from being absorbed and ATP (energy) from being produced. When our cells are in defence or threat mode for too long one can imagine that many other functions of the body also deteriorate, hence we can stay unwell and often get worse. Therefore, it is essential that any form of healing either first focuses on restoring our cell’s energy supply or at least includes it in any type of intervention. This boils down to calming our whole system which includes our gut, our brain, our nervous system, the food we eat, what we drink, exercise, self-care, relationships, stress, family environment, toxins, sunlight, breathing, sleep and much more!

Holistically, if we help energise the cells, the nervous system, the fascia system, and the brain systems, we will have improved opportunities to heal however not all ailments are connected. With the healing I offer all areas that need healing get healing, this is the marvel of being able to communicate with your body and send the healing that is required to the areas that are diseased or dysfunctional.

Cell Communication

We have a head brain which is our intelligence and emotional centre, it analyses and applies logic, and you will have heard I’m sure that many refer to the gut as the second brain which is responsible for processing information during sleep. 70% of serotonin (the neurotransmitter responsible for relaying signals across the brain to help you think clearly) is produced in the gut. Then there is the heart which is referred to as the third brain which can sense the world through feelings and emotions. However, in my opinion, we have trillions of other brains also, these are our cells, each cell communicates meaning they are a communication system on their own, yet they can also communicate with the fascia and the nervous systems and many other systems, this is why sometimes a problem with one system can affect another - but not always.

I am lucky enough to have been given the ability to communicate with the body’s cells as a total or in a particular place.


Fascia is a tissue that surrounds and passes through almost all parts of the physical human body, veins, blood, and the skin are excluded from the fascia system. I’m advised that fascia is our pain system and transmits pain messages throughout the body through chemical signalling. These signals are then passed to the nervous system where neurons pass the messages onto the brain so the brain is alerted and can plan what to do to help.

In addition …

  • The relationship between fascia and nervous system extends in that if either is damaged or inflamed, each can affect the other. So once again, calming the nervous system and cell system (renewing energy) are essential components to overcoming chronic ill health.

  • fascia dysfunction and inflammation can show as a swollen area at the point or wider area of concern, in medical terms, it is referred to as edema, there is also often pain associated with the inflammation.

  • inflamed or damaged fascia around the cell can affect the efficient functioning of the whole cell, including the tissue beneath the membrane.

  • the fascia system can become diseased although this is not common.

  • a dysfunctional cell can also affect the function of the fascia and the nervous system. Organs can also be affected due to the connectedness of the fascia and nervous system.

  • fascia can communicate internally and externally through vibration and chemical signalling. I can also communicate with the fascia, and nervous system.


In summing up, we continually learn and develop our knowledge about the human body, however, our learning should not exclude the spiritual nature of the interconnection between our physical and spiritual bodies. We cannot survive without either the spiritual or physical body and ideally, we should think of the two as one - a big step for science!

Keith Jackson

Healing for all types of illness and dysfunction. Spiritual body alignment, dark entity removal, and connection to spirit / the universe.


Is this really my body?


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