Hearing Voices

This is very important!

When people hear voices there is always a reason. Some lightworkers with abilities communicate with spirit and/or other entities (telepathically), this is quite normal and is part of their life and gift. However, people with dark spiritual attachments, or demon possessions can often hear voices and the messages are dark. I can certainly understand why people or professionals think those who hear voices are insane or perhaps mentally ill - as I was accused by my doctor, however, it’s far from the cause other than being driven to insanity because of dark voices. Whether it is from the dark or the light, there is ALWAYS a reason why people hear voices and this is something the world of medical science needs to accept and understand as there is a lot that can be done away from loading people up on drugs to fix their physiological problems.

For more information please read my blog on Dark Energies, Entities & Magick or contact me for support and healing for you or a loved one or someone you know.


Keith Jackson

Healing for all types of illness and dysfunction. Spiritual body alignment, dark entity removal, and connection to spirit / the universe.


Spiritual Communication.


Diseases & Dysfunction initiated by Trauma & Karma