Diseases & Dysfunction initiated by Trauma & Karma

As a healer, having the ability to communicate with spirit and spiritual powers provides opportunity to learn and understand many things that are not normally available to humans. All information about our lives and our bodies is known and available which offers an advantage to me. A human body has innate energies and spiritual energies e.g. our soul as part of us, and my abilities allow me to communicate with these and all parts of the body to determine where problems lay so we can apply healing to suit each persons particular disfunction and disease.

Trauma Initiated Diseases & Dysfunction

The emotions and negative energy of trauma sit in the body’s muscle and skin cells, with physical side-affects being a common issue if the trauma is not addressed.

I’m advised by my team the following can stem from trauma …

  • Certain Muscle Dysfunction

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Heart Disease

  • Bowel Cancer

  • Stomach Cancer

  • Kidney Disease

All these conditions are caused by fascia inflammation resulting from dysfunctional cells (muscle & skin) which affect the above organs and with some the tissue and joints (fluid, cartilage).

A standard Directly Connected healing includes lifting trauma if it is present.

Karma Initiated Diseases & Dysfunction

Like trauma, karma can also affect the body detrimentally. It can cause organ dysfunction and on ocassions death as a consequence. Certain karma sins can invite certain diseases and additionally and separately the negative energy or low frequency of karma can sit in certain organs yet move from organ to organ, it’s deceptive and cunning. The bad shit we do can certainly have a negative energtic outcome especially if the cause or rather the guilt of an act sits and manifests.

I’m advised the following stem from Karma …

  • SIBO - (small intestine bacterial overgrowth)

  • Psoriasis

  • Liver Dysfunction

  • Some vein related disorders i.e. blood clots and DVT

  • Bowel Disease

  • Heart Dysfunction

  • Certian Tumors i.e. all head/brain, throat, lip, chin, windpipe

  • Polio (poliomyelitis). This is a virus (poliovirus) which I’m advised is spread by lip contact i.e. kissing, or by contaminated hands or vessels that touch the mouth, or by sexual contact. Those that are vaccinated against polio will not be affected.

Lifting Karma is part of a standard Directly Connected healing however this does not mean you will be protected from new karma sins. We need to learn and practice right from wrong so karma does not negatively impact our lives. The small silly things we do don’t impact or bodies physically, and some, well they are just not affected becasue they have such strong personalities, yet some of the fittest people can receive severe consequences.

Keith Jackson

Healing for all types of illness and dysfunction. Spiritual body alignment, dark entity removal, and connection to spirit / the universe.


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