Dark Energies, Entities, & Dark Magick
Where there is light, there is also the opposite, darkness.
In this blog I talk about the not-so-nice dark aspects (energies & entities) that can interfere with human life. We know the terms, devil, demons, possessed people, dark magic etc. I aim to provide some clarity around these deeply talked about and historical topics based on my spiritual training, my gifts and abilities, and my involvement as a healer. Removing the myriad of dark tools from people is a growing part of my business, we connect, identify, and remove, and in doing so change lives.
I have not just received an ability from spirit and started healing people, my journey has been considerably more involved, with immersion and experience (spiritual and physical), feeling what others experience (their pain, their emotions, their physiological and psychological distress) and experiencing attachments & demon possessions so I have a deeper understanding and can more realistically and honestly empathise with clients. Thankfully this chapter has passed yet the learning is continuous.
The text explores the realm of dark energies, entities, and magick, shedding light on often misunderstood and mysterious phenomena that can affect human life. The author, drawing from personal spiritual training and experiences as a healer, delves into topics such as dark spiritual attachments, new harmful paranormal tools like Noceo, dark spiritual energy, and vexated spiritual energy connections, among others.
Dark spiritual attachments, attributed to the influence of the devil and his associates, are discussed in detail, highlighting how they manifest in individuals through behaviors and emotions associated with low-frequency energy. The author shares personal encounters with these attachments and emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing them for spiritual and emotional well-being.
The emergence of Renes, a new dark energy tool, is explored as a response to efforts by the light spiritual side to uplift human consciousness and frequency. This ongoing battle between light and dark forces is likened to a cold-war-type scenario, with healers playing a crucial role in countering negative influences.
Furthermore, the text discusses other manifestations of dark energy, including Mellis, black magick, and ghosts or non-passed souls. The author provides insights into identifying and removing these entities, emphasizing the significance of experienced healers in mitigating their effects on individuals.
Overall, the text serves as a comprehensive exploration of the darker aspects of spirituality, offering clarity and guidance for those navigating encounters with dark energies and entities. Through personal anecdotes and spiritual insights, Keith seeks to empower readers to recognise, understand, and combat negative spiritual influences for the betterment of themselves and society.
Dark Spiritual Attachments (Erone)
This is the work of what we refer to as the devil and team. Most stories about the devil are incorrect and can be far-fetched and often related to other things, however, I will not say the effects of dark spiritual attachments are not significant albeit they do seem to come in different shapes and sizes rather than all people having the same signs, symptoms, or display of affects and dysfunction.
These attachments are very real and are attracted to us by the low-frequency energy we generate and it can be quite easy to identify even for laypeople. Dark, moody, antagonistic, rude, defiant, threatening, angry, bitter, uncaring, fearful, self-righteous and shutoff are some of the associated behaviours and emotions that may be experienced when people change from their normal lighter/higher frequency energy to lower frequencies, it can be very noticeable and often quite rapid and there can be a trigger. Note that these signs may not be there all the time.
Low-frequency energy can often reflect a state of poor health, a low emotional state, anger or rage, or even dissatisfaction with life, there is no enthusiasm, little joy or fun, often loneliness or a grudge or jealousy mindset, some might be seen to have Jackal & Hyde syndrome where they can quickly change mood and behavior. What happens is that we are waving a flag, we are potentially attracting a dark- low-frequency-honed attachment, but certainly not always. It can depend on our armour, our nature and our ability to pull ourselves out of a particular state or to be supported by those around us in such times of need so we don’t always remain in or dwell in the low-frequency energy. The longer we remain in a low frequency state, the more likelihood we will attract one or more dark spiritual attachments (a link from them to us). I often say what we focus on we become (good or bad), or, what we give energy to we attract and potentially make more of it, it grows! Who do we prefer being around, those that are fun, positive and radiant, or those that dwell on the negative, put others down, only believe in their opinion, and can be controlling and abusive, sometimes narcissistic?
What is the trigger?
Generally there is an emotional trigger like, anger, envy, jealousy, guilt, frustration, disgust, or fear. These emotons often cause explosive switches to low frequency and bang, if there is an attachment already there it will dwell in this darker energy and try and maintain it, alternatively the low frequency can attract the attachment/s.
It would be possible for the trigger of anger to leed to aggression and sometimes physical damage or harm to someone or something.
I know someone who used to get easily pissed off with things and people (frustration & anger were the emotional triggers), he could lose his rag, his control, and his ability to be rational, the spiritual attachment seizes the opportunity (the low frequency energy) and creates a challenging to-be-around person, an almost schizophrenic change in behaviour, it dwells in the energy and stirs it. He would sometimes boast about such episodes but it was just terrible being the one receiving the verbal abuse. If the reason for the trigger remains without the signs being recognised and discussed, attachments can come back after removal.
It was not until I received my abilities that I recognised the reasons and I was able to help by removing them - more than once!
PLEASE NOTE, there is often a much deeper reason why the emotion is always at hand, finding the answer can be a critical component to ending the cycle.
Another example is someone who I knew who started sending me extremely vindictive texts, there were warnings, threats, and explanations why I was so bad and so negative. This beautiful person who ‘normally’ is so caring and positive let the emotion of envy take over. It had been gently boiling within, frequency dropped while I become her internal focus and bang, the dark attachment joined her life. She would never usually send such texts but was encouraged to do it to the point where she couldn’t not do it, then she would have felt great, powerful and in control.
Another example was of a lady who was so full of guilt about how her family saw her and blamed herself for the problems that had risen. She had lowered her armour, ie her usual higher frequency and succumbed allowing the dark attachments in. The attachments repaid the exchange with fear which shut her down. She couldn’t sleep and was worried that people would come into her house and attack her. She did have the wherewithal to know something was wrong and mentioned something in a community text that instantly made me think and wonder. I connected and had confirmation there were 3 attachments.
With another example (there are many) I was advised of was a gent who was in hospital and spent a week in intensive care and when on the ward suddenly started talking on the basis that he was being held against his will, that there was nothing wrong with him, that no medical event had taken place and there was a vast plan against him. He was menatlly assessed and family was advised that there was trauma from his childhood that was causing the issues and sudden change and that he would likely need treatment. When I was advised of this situation, it was quite easy to interpret that this was not the gent people knew and once I checked, we confirmed dark attachments where present. Once removed, the psychological problems resovled almost immediately. The emotional trigger was frustration which built to such a level his frequency dropped and stayed low long enough to wave a flag to the dark side and unintentionally invite them in.
Dark spiritual attachments are not nice but there do seem to be different levels of sophistication, aggravation, or effect placed on someone, either way, they are not nice, it’s a dark heavy feeling often with manipulated behaviour which can grow. The symptoms can reduce and heighten depending on the individual and their environment, however, the dark attachment will generally always remain until removed, and more than one can be attracted and attach.
I have experienced dark spiritual attachments, it was very unpleasant, I had three removed by someone else, only to then receive many more, this was part of my journey - understanding and knowing. It was part of a very dark learning month, totally unenjoyable with experiences that I would not wish on anyone.
Attachments can also talk to us telepathically and the voices can be very clear and the words negatively based, they want us to believe what they are saying to create more darkness and to retain the low-frequency environment. It is like a pig wallowing in mud, it’s in its happy place and is very unsettling and trauma attracting.
Attachments are very common and are simply not known about significantly, many other things are blamed. Unfortunately, the growth of dark spiritual attachments has risen due to the impact and negativism associated with COVID-19 policies - fear, worry, and disillusionment. Disengaging people from their loved-ones, besties, and workplaces was deemed best practice to save the nation when in fact it was an instigator for the destruction of society as we knew it and I’m sure the cost to heal the country and world will be more than the equivalent spent on covid related expenses, but now we have no money to regenerate to the level we need to, we are …. broke and broken.
To help paint a picture of why the term attachment is used …. it’s like a connection, like a fishing line with a hook stuck in you, they do not enter us or possess us like demons do. So when we remove them, we cut the connection or remove the hook/s.
Behaviour can be changed by noticing the potential of an eruption and choosing to reply (or not) differently and more acceptably i.e. reply maturely rather than reacting. It’s ERO in action, Event, Response, and Outcome. With any event, we have the ability to pause, notice, and control our response so that an acceptable outcome is achieved. However, recognising the signs with an attachment is more difficult and thus harder to implement ERO.
Let us wrap positive energy and high frequency around the good things that are happening which are mostly inspired, generated and fueled by wonderful people who want absolute change including greatly improved health. My team and I are doing our best and I know many others who are committed to making a positive non-political difference to society!
Please help us remove these spiritually natural but disenchanting and energy-draining low-frequency targeting attachments and in doing so change lives.
Dark Spiritual Nocine
Nocine means ‘spell’ in Cifrr (the language of spirit) yet is not a spell of magick or anything kindred to it.
It is a newly identified tool in the arsenal of the dark spirits having been identified in June 2024 and not known about prior.
A spell surrounds a person and interferes with the skin of the head and in doing so causes dysfunction to the frontal lobe of the brain particularly cognitive function and processes such as problem-solving, thinking, planning, organising and emotional control.
Nocine can creep in unknowingly and slowly cause its dysfunction and it can be difficult for the affected person to identify the issues due to the dysfunction/impact of the spell. People can become suddenly over-reliant and dependent on others which can lead to friction and annoyance esp as it may creep up on the person holding the spell and catch them and others unaware.
It’s early days, so I will add more symptoms as we come across people that have been spell-bound. One client advised, “I know there is something wrong with me as I’m just not functioning as I was, It’s like I know something is there yet can’t say what”.
How to identify Nocine?
Contact Keith at Directly Connected, he will connect and advise quite quickly if Nocine or some other form of darkness may be involved.
A note to other applicable healers:
The spell prevents access to the person as it is also a block (like a preventive shroud) so determining health or other issues is very difficult - even for spirit guides who support many healers.
Dark Spiritual Noceo
Coming from the spiritual darkness is a new dark energy called Noceo. This creation or tool is not actually an energy nor enchantment or magick but it is used to cause harm, injury, hurt, pain or damage to someone, We have therefore chosen to use the latin word Noceo (No.ke.o) to represent this new harmful paranormal tool.
Why is it new?
I’ll mention again that things often have an opposite or an opponent, the government is an example, different parties represent different idea’s, opinions, goals and sometimes values. Well, the correlation between this and what is happening in the spirit world is the same but perhaps more cold-war-type games and weapons are employed and deployed. The ‘light’ spiritual side of the universe is generallly helping to create a better earth environment through lifting energy and frequency (a new earth approach as some call it) and offering to ascend people is one way applicable healers are doing it and in doing so individuals move closer to their spiritual and authentic selves, they spend less time in low-frequency zones and bounce out of that space more readily and automatically should they get there, life can be more positive and life’s jigsaw puzzle that we all seem to play finds a way of coming together with much greater ease. No matter what the healing process, if we spend more time in a high-frequency lifestyle and environment and operate at a higher frequency it means we prevent issues, dysfunction and disease rather than fixing them …. Yay!
So, the other team has now come up with another cold-war-tactic to slow and impact this positive light-driven spiritual and earth-focused change. It’s the ongoing battle between light and dark - just the same as we have on earth yet sometimes it’s hard to choose which one (person or party) represents the ‘light’!
About Noceo
Noceo or Renes as it has been named in Cifrr (the spiritual language of the universe) is aimed at the healing community and lightworkers who promote good, who care, and want to change the current status of poorwell-being for many.
Noceo Symptoms
It is important for the healing and spiritual community to know this information.
. Incapacitation: the fascia can become dysfunctional. This is a system that runs throughout our bodies (through almost every component) and the feeling of the fascia being attacked is awful, it will undoubtedly cause significant pain and likely affect the nervous system. The body including the head will feel like it’s going to explode, it is extremely debilitating.
. Skin: The skin can breakdown.
. Mind: the mind can be manipulated into thinking what you are experiencing is something specific - yet is generally unrelated to the actual. Relentless chasing of the cause and healing options can also be associated with Noceo, one can become engrossed in their newfound (but manipulated) beliefs.
I was asked by a healer/gifted person to check her room where she was staying overseas. She could feel a dark presence, plus the word PAIN had been etched into a desk in her room. It was interesting going through the process of checking the presence and identifying what it was and being told by my team it was something completely new and harmful. After some chatter, I was immediately given the ability to remove the Noceo and we proceeded to clear/remove the dark presence from the room. It was wonderful to be able to do this before there was any physical body impact.
Life continually throws challenges at us and working as a gifted healer and remover of a myriad of dark-related attachments, and demons (& their dark magic), Rete and more is no exception but I love what I do and am very privileged to have been given the abilities I have and the new ones I frequently receive.
I very much care for the health and wellbeing of people everywhere and my team and I will do all we can to help change lives for the better. :-)
Dark Spiritual Energy (Mellis)
This darker energy is less impacting on humans but is a reality and also a tool of the Devils spiritual team hence being called dark. It is a directed energy similar to magick and called Cran in Cifrr - the language of the universe.
Humans don’t attract this imposition in any way, it’s just like an attack, and another tool in the devil’s arsenal. The dark energy affects the tissue of the brain a little like the Vexated Energy mentioned below, but with the symptoms being predominantly mood/psychological changes.
Mellis can be identified and removed by my team and I.
Vexation (Dark Spiritual Energy Connection)
More and more I find interrupting connections between spirits and people, these are normal spirits that in essence have a pastime picking on people and ‘interfering’ with their thoughts and emotions. They can be family-related passed-over souls, or passed-over friends but others also.
My team say it’s an interference that concentrates on and affects the skin, so an irritation or vexation that produces the following feelings (as advised by clients) … annoyance, frustration, mood change, lethargy, reduced motivation, questioning themselves and what they do.
This is different to the other items mentioned even though the effects can be similar, or the same.
This is where an experienced healer is required, one, to identify the connection or issue/s and two, be able to cut the connection.
Once again, we gain a greater understanding of just how much we can be affected by entities and energies that we don’t see.
Renet - Targeted Brain Dysfunction
Another newly identified (July 2024) dark spiritual tool is Renet.
This debilitating tool effects the tissue of the brain in the left temporal lobe just to the left of the ear, it can cause irritation and subsequently, inflammation. Confusion to the person is the goal of this darkness.
The symptoms can be related to …
. language interpretation and understanding
. memory storage and retrieval
. emotional difficulties
. processing of information from the senses
Hidden & Cunning
Renet can be delivered but with the impact building over time rather than necessarily having an instant influence thus making it harder to notice or detect. Brain function does deteriorate and it can be some time before the affected person notices issues yet the deterioration may be seen by those that surround them.
Removing Renet
We can complete this. After disconnecting the dark Renet and removing the designed influences, the client will recover fully.
Black Magick (Renti)
This is a human-initiated process whereby humans with special abilities and with dark intentions call on spirits to undertake a task on their behalf aimed at a particular person. It is akin to casting a spell or placing a curse on someone. There can be reasons for doing this to certain people, however, not always. Such humans are entertained by the results and shine their darkness rather than light on the world and it can be very impactful on someone.
At Directly Connected we can identify and remove the Black Magick, (curse or spell).
‘Light Spirit’ Interruption
This section relates to the involvement of spirits on the ‘light’ side rather than the dark side that (can) create trouble with humans. The spiritual world is an interesting system and they certainly have their problems (in my view) however they are not seen as problems to them as that’s not the way their system works, rather what is, is. Help will be provided to healers like myself to support humans and clear, cut, and remove connections & magick to support our work. Without us identifying such connections human suffering will remain - and it comes in many forms and causes various levels of dysfunction - both physical & psychological.
Misbehaving ‘Light’ Spirits (Renta)
Providing examples will help provide information on the workings of naughty ‘light’ spirits. These are only a few examples.
A client felt pain in certain places in her body, sometimes the pain was there, sometimes not and when it was, it was an inconvenience. Pain plays on the mind and can become a focus and this is exactly what is aimed for by the naughty spirit. There was no family/relationship connection between spirit and client i.e. no reason for picking on this person.
A client who has a spiritual connection was being told certain untruths about someone close to them and because of her spiritual awareness she trusted what she was being told as believed the connection to be an honest one. This can create relationship difficulties i.e. when belief and trust is eroded due to someone else’s steadfast beliefs which are clouded.
Yet there was more! The client had also gained a lot of weight over recent months and menopause was blamed for this - which can certainly be a symptom and consequence of menopause among the many that can evolve.
The spirit was toying with the client but also me, blocking attempts to identify issues, heal, and also protect her from viruses. It was also a test for me, as I was made to work the problem out (by my spiritual & healing team who knew what the issue was) - which does happen. Nothing has beaten me yet it’s good to say :) yet on occasions it has taken considerable time to find the answer. It’s all part of my learning and happens where there is no significant danger to the person/client/human.
Changes were positive!This example is considerably more complex and the difficulties placed on this client were extreme and what I expected from the dark side rather than the light, yet we learn, not all is as it seems or as we understand it to be.
It is a very concised example as is almost beyond belief what was continually dealt to this client, it would be a very long outline if I summarised all conversations and their content.
The client was asked to contact me by another healer and I honour her for contacting me as it can be difficult to hold the faith and hope that someone really can help with what is being experienced.
The client had the unfortunate experience of being connected to a very powerful and deceiving light spirit who not only spoke with her, it fed her with an unbelievable amount of false information as to what was happening and going to happen to her, and her soul. The spirit also sent feelings of enclosure, tightness around the throat and many other uncomfortable feelings. Additionally, there were varying levels of magick placed around her and also linked to her.
Our attempts to discontinue the connection found that when we cut what we thought was the only connection there were still more remaining and it took time to unearth each one. Sometimes as a team we come across new things, influences that we have not removed or identified with past removals - whether dark or light, and this was one of those. I guess one has to admire the sophistication, and depth of magick used. I see it as a challenge for sure yet we always have the resources, abilities & power (particularly spiritual & magickal abilities) to work through such barriers, and if we can’t there is a higher reason - and that’s another story.
Ghosts /Non Passed Souls (Rente)
When a human dies sometimes the soul does not pass (a spiritual process) and there can be numerous reasons why e.g. a grudge, love, deep grief, enjoying the space, simply not ready to go home, and lots more! However, the majority of souls do passover i.e. do accept the spiritual process that is a part of death and a soul’s journey.
From my experience, two categories of ghost remain …
. those that just hang out in the one place, generally where they die, or
. those that are transient
Then there are behavioural categories …
. those who simply reside, they are generally quiet and satisfied
. those that create mischief, they like to have a little fun yet are generally friendly
. those who want to be noticed, who purposely move things, make noise, open and close doors, are happy to show themselves in some form, who give you the shivers or goosebumps
. those who follow someone, generally someone they know
Knowing there is a presence
. some will feel a presence and it can be a colder or warmer feeling (darker or lighter) that is felt
. some hear, or become curious as to why something has moved
. some see, this is generally by a gifted person and can sometimes mean they are trying to get attention e.g. so they can get help to go home. These can be transient or homely ghosts. However, this sight scenario is not always about getting attention or for a particular reason but in my dealings it often is.
I have had gifted people contact me advising “someone is hanging around and I don't like it because it’s making me feel dark and yucky, although one is worse than the other”. In this instance I spoke with both ghosts, they knew this person had gifts so hung around her hoping she would help, and the way they got her attention wasn’t their normal behaviour but they needed a response! This person contacted me, and I chatted with the ghosts, found out a little about them then we sent them home, they both wanted to pass over (complete the spiritual process). The person who contacted me felt an immediate change, the feeling and burden was lifted. More people are referring such presences to me, it’s a joint process helping souls cross over to their spiritual home.
If you have or know of someone who may have a ghost in or around their property, you are welcome to contact me to discuss options.
Demons (Renee)
When we talk of demons they are separate to anything in the spiritual world, they are not the devil nor do they associate with dark spirits. Demons are very real, powerful and dangerous but like spirits they are not seen unless seen/shown in one form or another to those with certain abilities.
The work of Demons …
. they possess people
. they possess buildings
. they possess land
. they use dark magick – which can be exceptionally scary and also very dangerous.
When a demon possesses a human, the demon takes control, they become part of that person. It is incomprehensible for a layperson yet is not a new phenomenon, it has happened for hundreds of thousands of years and will continue, like dark spirits do what they do, demons do what they do, it is a very unfortunate function or intrusion of life.
There is no good aspect of being possessed and unlike dark spiritual attachemnts there is no reason why they target a particular person but it is generally always a horrific experience. Removing a demon is one thing however they can leave magick (meiii) in the person which is generally hidden and like peeling onions trying to find it all, it can be quite a process and certainly easier when there is no magick left behind.
I have removed a number of demons now and I state that no one without considerable abilities and experience should attempt to remove them or play in the demonic world, there could be severe consequences. People need to understand that these entities are supernatural, nothing is impossible. So it needs to be someone with supernatural abilities that removes them and their magick. Some of the things I have seen are ideally incomprehensible, but they actually happen, it is fascinating.
When a property is possessed, weird and strange things also happen, things can move, the house can change shape when you are in it, they can move you, make noises and so on, nothing is unachievable. Some people know of a presence because of the feeling they get when they enter and generally they walk straight back out, it can be that heavy, and to some scary.
When a property is possessed, it can change, things can be moved, events can happen, and there can be a terrible feeling when you are there.
Demons can come and go as they please but once we remove them they generally don’t return but they can go elsewhere, termination is not possible.
Demons also talk, so hearing voices is very common, it's not insanity.
Demonic Rete and Rette Magick
Often referred to as Spiritual Parasites yet are not, these two consequences of demonic dark magick have more specific targets and are invasive, harmful and disempowering. Rete is a dark magick that targets the skin on the head which then causes dysfunction in the brain and can then affect the fascia and due to the fascia being a body-wide system it can therefore cause anomalies, pain and inflammation elsewhere, it is a pain and message system interconnecting with the nervous system but with Rete the nervous system is not compromised and neither are cells which are also integrated with the fascia.
Symptoms may be pain elsewhere in the body, a fuzzy, noisy, heavy, vibrating head, lack of concentration or an inability to focus, a giddiness not unlike vertigo (other things can also provide similar side effects), it is unpleasant and quite disorientating. Note; Fascia dysfunction is interesting in how it can fool the body, as an example, an issue in the gut can cause inflammation of the gut lining and this in turn can irritate the fascia which may cause fascia inflammation in a knee (or somewhere else) which is painful. This is one of the marvels of being able to identify the issue, location, and often the cause. In this case, fix the gut problem (which could be food related, a fibroid, etc) and the knee pain will disappear. For us it’s pretty quick with no mess and can be done remotely …. the joy of Magickal or Penden healing @ Directly Connected.
Rette is a demonic magick that targets the skin of the throat region, the skin can become abnormally sensitive. Internally, ancillary issues can be caused in the oesophagus and elsewhere if the fascia is affected.
Presently, there is no apparent cause or reason as to why these things are delivered to humans.
Removing the Rete or Rette is a relatively simple process with the Directly Connected team.
Demon Attachments (Reni)
A recently identified demon tool. The demon attaches to the skin of a human similarly to a dark spiritual attachment but has a very close presence around a human, but does not possess them. What this demonic tool seems to bring is a darkness in the form of illness and sometimes death to some of those that associate with the person, and, it is completely out of their control. Additionally, the darkness can affect animals - similarly to dark spiritual attachments.
The Directly Connected team can remove this demonic attachment to end such occurrences.
Hearing Voices
This is very important!
When people hear voices there is always a reason. Some lightworkers with abilities communicate with spirit and/or other entities (telepathically), this is quite normal and is part of their life and gift. However, people with dark spiritual attachments, or demon possessions can often hear voices and the messages are dark. I can certainly understand why people or professionals think those who hear voices are insane or perhaps mentally ill - as I was accused by my doctor, however, it’s far from the cause other than (for some) being driven to insanity because of the voices. Whether it is from the dark or the light, there is ALWAYS a reason why people hear voices and this is something the world of medical science needs to accept and understand as there is a lot that can be done away from loading people up on drugs to fix their physiological problems.