Directly Connected

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Cool Stuff About Our Soul

Advice from spirit about the role of our soul.

Spiritual Beings

We are human beings who with a soul (spirit) grow and participate in a journey generally of our own making (yet with parental guidance in younger years) with ‘free will’ to experience life and where possible do so with love and care for humanity and the planet. Our physical body is surrounded by our auric body (our 7 auras) which also need maintaining because they can get damaged - chakras being one!


Our spiritual soul attaches to our energy (physical body) when a living baby passes the birth canal or once it has been removed from the womb for a Cesarean birth.

We are lifeless without a soul once we are born so we are indeed all born with a spiritual link - some in more ways than one.


  1. The key purpose of a soul is to sustain life.

  2. They need to remain to fulfill life, if we pass, our soul (generally) passes. If we have an out-of-body experience or we die for a brief period, our soul remains until bodily death. Sometimes a soul may not pass over on death if there is a reason for the soul to remain, this soul is then referred to as a ghost in human terms - yet they can be sent home by those spiritually able to do so, something I have been gifted to do.

  3. Excluding premature or accidental death, a soul has a responsibility to complete certain undertakings yet they are not always completely fully.

  4. Perhaps the biggest and most fundamental aspect of our soul is being our inner-voice or our inner-self. If you hear an inner voice guiding you or have a certain feeling you should follow, this is your soul’s way of communicating with you to help with direction in life.

    It is essential to know that trauma can influence the connection with our soul. If not released or dealt with, the emotions of trauma can attach to the skin and muscle cells of our body. When this happens the communication channel between us and our soul is impacted and becomes disconnected. Cells are a vital communication link and it is important to keep these channels open so we receive the inner-voice/inner-self guidance, as without, we can lose our way, we are operating more in remote control mode.

    Additionally, if trauma is not released the damage to cells from the held emotions can spread and cause issues elsewhere in the body, we certainly know that a healthy cell supports a healthy body. There are several medical conditions where the cause or initiation is unknown, trauma I’m advised is the initiator of some and it’s easy enough to determine why.

    If you are aware of someone with trauma, please contact me, I can help release it and also help heal any ancillary problems created from it. I also have other colleagues who can support the release of trauma in their own unique and powerful ways. Let me know if help is needed.


On earth, souls become part of the being of humans, mammals, birds, and animals. Reptiles, fish, insects, and bugs are soulless yet like all things they have a consciousness. We must care for all and where possible treat them humanely. Our spiritual souls come to earth to experience life with us, with some, it is with an animal, mammal, or bird rather than a human. Many souls have experienced all forms, some not. Some have been back as a human soul many times and for some souls it may be their first.

Sometimes a soul will gift something special from a past life e.g. music (singing, writing, or instrumental) or supreme intelligence or knowledge and these gifts can present at a very early age for some.


The character of a soul will influence the person they are part of. This seems natural as without a soul there is no life. The energy of some humans can be particularly negative and unauthentic, and in these circumstances, and as you can likely appreciate, it is even harder to enjoy life as a soul despite the influence they try to provide.


Upon passing our soul returns home (some refer to this as heaven), this spiritual system is home and where time and space have no influence or necessity. The universe is separate from our human existence so even though they may communicate with those they have spent time with on earth, it is not automatic nor common that they will meet up after passing.

The universe to which we go home operates with a hierarchical structure and is highly organised yet is not without its faults, trials and tribulations. Spirits are if you like part of an invisible system, they are intelligent non-physical entities without gender, although when communicating they do like to be represented as one or the other, I think it helps with our mental comprehension. My team for example is a mix of male and female names that they have provided to me and so in my mind, I see them as male or female, their personalities can reflect this. They have no cares as to how we represent ourselves through gender as humans yet with physical actions, there are many things they would prefer we did not do.

When souls don’t pass ….

There are exceptions however, some souls (ghosts as we know them) don’t pass because they are still stuck here for some reason - and there can be many reasons. I have been able to help several souls pass-over because they are now ready to go. One return was a soul (ghost) who enjoyed life too much to return home on passing. She was 500 years old and had moved from property to property a lot over this time but she was ready to return.

Some non-passed souls (ghosts) are mischievous and play with the occupants of homes or buildings however some are quiet yet may be seen from time to time by those who can see, they can represent themselves to us humans as anyone they choose but generally it is as their deceased human form.


Many humans have the gifted ability to communicate with spirit or powers in some form, some want to, some don’t, and some have greater abilities than others. We can all talk with/to the universe though, & I suggest you should, and I ask that you direct your prayers and requests to your spirit guide, they are the ones who listen to what we have to say, it is part of their role in the universe, another is as the spiritual link for many gifted people with abilities, yet some gifted people deal with numerous spirits as part of what they do and offer.

There are common ways many people get answers to questions via ‘everyday’ energy communication methods, such as …

Note: if a person is holding trauma, the link between soul and human (the inner voice) can be impacted meaning sometimes there is no movement - no matter what method is tried. Remove the trauma, and the connection is reinstated.

Pendulum Energy Testing:

This is energetic communication between the holder of the pendulum and our soul. If you are asking questions of yourself then you connect with your soul for the answers, if testing someone else, then you connect with the other person’s soul to receive an answer through the pendulum - generally, it swings in a circle one way for yes, and the opposite for no and often back and forth if there needs to be more clarity or a more direct/clear question.

Typically, yes/no questions are asked (e.g.) about the body. If you are well-practised and conversant you can keep drilling down from one question to the next to obtain greater information about e.g. a cause or area of illness or dysfunction. It is not just body questions that can be asked, due to our spiritual nature and connectedness many questions can be asked.

Sway Test

This is also our soul energy being used. Typically used for providing yes and no answers and generally quite an easy and quick method to use when wanting answers about yourself, or asking what is for your highest good, e.g. it may be food, drinks, job, medications etc.

If you stand still and ask to confirm your name e.g. is my name Bob, then generally the yes answer will mean you sway forward. If you ask, is my name Samantha when it’s actually Bob, then you will generally sway backward meaning no. So use direct yes/no questions that are unambiguous.

Muscle Test

This is a yes/no question-and-answer test using your soul energy and is also commonly used with two people, yet it can be used on your own.

Often with energy testing, some holders request permission and a link to and guidance from the universe, and that the intention is honest etc. Choose your own connection method, you will not be dishonouring anyone or anything if you don’t ask permission however it can be good practice. Intention helps from the perspective of stating what you are doing, with whom, and why.


Souls help guide us (participate with and be with us) to help with our direction in life. Generally, we don’t know this but there is this connection even though there is a limited amount they can do.

Soul Swaps

This is a rare phenomenon yet sometimes happens, in this situation, there can be quite a change in the person’s character because the new soul has an influence, a different nature.

I have also witnessed (distantly) a non-passed soul take over a dead body soon after death/the previous soul departed. This is a significant no-no and a major breaking of spiritual rules. The particular soul was quickly removed as hard and fast spiritual rules were broken. A legitimate soul entered the person’s being.

Communicating with your soul.

You can liaise with your soul for your own comfort and also just to say thank you, they like the contact and will hear you if you address your message to your body’s soul e.g. my dear/beautiful soul.

Note: each human has a unique vibration, this never changes but our frequency does change, also our energy can change which is what we often detect when with other people or in buildings. Although our bodies have a unique vibration (our signature) it is frequency that is the catalyst for our health and wellness status. If high we are normally happy, thriving, loving, energetic and focused, if low we can be moody, depressed, feel solitary, angry or sad and if in low frequency for too long, health can and likely will deteriorate. This is a message that should be spread far and wide, therefore it is important to aim high, do things we love, be with people that we relate to and want to be surrounded by, find a passion and a purpose and create your high frequency journey.

If you are unwell then Directly Connected can offer help.