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Spiritual Communication.

Spiritual Communication

Spiritual communication is as old as the first humans and generally it’s an ability that comes with a gift of some sort. Not all gifted abilities need or come with the requirement to communicate with spirit telepathically, some just use their gift e.g. spiritual Reiki or intuitive healing, without the need of talking telepathically with their spirit guides.

Relling is the spiritual name for telepathy between spirit and human.

Melling is the spiritual name for verbal, written, or hand movement communication between spirit and a human. However, there is a difference between verbal Melling with spirit and a channelling connection with spirit. Melling means spirit talks or writes on a personal level, it sounds like you but is directly from spirit and very normal communication. With me for example, my spirit team will sometimes discuss something important out loud rather than telepathically, they will also talk personally to someone I’m with e.g. a client, via me. The same happens with writing and it can be not from just my team but from any spirit/soul. People also write books or notes using spiritual melling.

Vinelling is the spiritual name for channelling between spirit and a human.

  1. If for example a person has a gift of spiritual writing, it may well be communicated through voice from a particular spirit i.e. the words are from spirit but the person is writing them down, this is more formal than personal communication (melling).

  2. Channelling can also be by telepathic communication i.e silent words

  3. Channelling can come via a particular spirit where the natural voice of the person (human) changes to reflect a spicific voice the spirit chooses to use and relay.

  4. Spirit can call someone by channelling a message through a gifted person.

  5. Spirit can demand that something specific is done by channelling a message through a gifted person, and this may well be in front of someone or an audience however it is the responsibility of the person channelling the message or receiving the message to ensure the demand is completed e.g. it may be to provide financial assistance to a person, to protect them, or to help them in some other way - and will always be for the persons highest good.

  6. Sometimes someone may receive a channelled message from spirit that allows them to receive something e.g. the gifting of an ability, or a physical gift, or a message/direction.


In the language of spirit, Rel means to communicate via the power/energy of an ability e.g. energy healing, spiritual Reiki, spiritual chanting (enchantment is such an example yet many people use the common yet incorrect term of Light Language.